Membership Benefits and The Long Term Sustainability of Xen Project
Owner: kechoi
Time: Thu 11:40 AM 6 Jun +0100 (Europe/Lisbon) Final
Location: AUGUSTA

As a project, we should discuss membership benefits and the long-term sustainability of Xen.

It’s important to offer existing and prospective members value in sponsoring our project, which then leads to financial support for what we do.

This discussion is for everyone and gives us a chance to identify areas of value in our project and what we can/should be offering to ensure Xen is growing long-term.

Attendees are encouraged to share their insights and ideas on how we can collectively support and enhance our community’s enduring success. The session should focus specifically on benefits that attract new members and what differentiates us from other projects.


  • By being a board member, you can bypass the XSA application to receive automatic notifications
  • Creating exclusive access to resources
  • Networking opportunities
  • Pathways for professional development
  • Offering onboarding sessions from the community

Whether you are a current member or considering membership, this session is an excellent opportunity to learn, contribute, and be part of the future of Xen.